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Adele widmet ihr Konzert den Opfern des Orlando Shootings

Von LNTV Germany / June 14, 2016

Adele trat gestern in Antwerpen, Belgien, auf und nutzte die Gelegenheit, um den Opfern des Anschlags im Pulse Nachtklub in Orlando zu gedenken und widmete ihnen ihr Konzert. Sie brach bei ihrer kurzen, aber bewegenden Ansprache in Tränen aus.

"I would like to start tonight by dedicating this entire show to everybody in Orlando and at Pulse nightclub last night," so Adele laut Buzzfeed. "The LGBTQ community, they're like my soulmates since I was really young so I'm very moved by it. I don't know why I'm crying already because most of this tonight is pretty miserable because my songs are fucking miserable. I do have two songs that sound happy, but they're not."

Seht hier Adeles rührende Ansprache.

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