
WESTLIFE THE TWENTY TOUR LIVE IN TAIPEI 西城男孩2019台北演唱會 - 入場辦法Admission Guideline

撰文 LNT Staff / July 18, 2019




演出日期及時間Show Date & Time2019.7.28 (SUN) 7:00 PM

演出地點Venue: 國立體育大學綜合體育館(林口體育館) /NTSU Arena (Linkou Arena)

*實際演出時間以現場公告為主!Please see show announcement on-site for actual show time

預計入場時間 Door Time: 5:00 PM


場區示意圖 Venue Map



注意事項 Notice

➡入場需驗票並進行嚴格安檢。請勿攜帶任何形式的行李箱及超過45*30*15 cm大小的包包。不符合安檢尺寸的包包以及禁止攜帶之物品,不管以何種形式一律不准入場。請觀眾盡早到場進行安檢以免延誤入場觀賞時間。Ticket Checking & Security Check is required upon entry. No suitcase is allowed or any Bags bigger than 45*30*15 cm. Any Bags against Security Standard or any Prohibited Items will not be allowed for Entry. Please arrive earlier for security check.

➡ 現場舞台視線若有不良(在公告的視線遮蔽區域外),必須在開演10分鐘內向現場工作人員提出。經工作人員判定如確認為視線不良座位者,將視情況調整座位,若無提出者,視同同意該座位安排。Please notify the on-site staff within 10 minutes after the show starts if you find any view blockage that is not stated in any official announcement. Once on-site staff confirms the view of the seat is blocked, on-site staff will change the seat for you subject to availability. It will be deemed to consent to the seat arrangement if there's no response.

➡現場無寄物櫃亦不提供寄放服務,若有攜帶大於入場規定尺寸的包包與行李,請先自行安置再前往演唱會場地。There will be no lockers in the venue, if you have any luggage or any kinds of bags bigger than our regulation, please don't bring to the venue.

➡ 配合菸害防制法,本活動場所全面禁菸。According to the regulations, smoking is prohibited in this area.

➡ 進場後如需暫時離場,需再次安檢進場。If you need to leave temporarily, security check is always needed upon re-entry.

➡ 請勿攜帶違禁品,若違反規定經查獲者,將不能入場或被請出場外不得再入場也不予退票。Please don't bring any prohibited items to the venue. Once these items are discovered by LNT, the audience will be escorted and will not be allowed to re-enter the show again. There will be no ticket refund.


禁止攜帶物品Prohibited Items

  1. 1.禁止攜帶任何形式的行李箱及超過45*30*15 cm大小的包包,不符合安檢與種類尺寸的包包,不管以何種形式一律不准入場。No suitcase is allowed or any Bags bigger than 45*30*15 cm. Any Bags against Security Standard will not be allowed for Entry.


  1. 2. 禁止攜帶玻璃製品、雷射筆、長柄雨傘、腳架、自拍棒、任何尖銳物體與危險物品(依主辦單位定義) No Glassed Product/Weapons of Any Kind/Lasers/Laser Pens/ Pointers/ Umbrella/ Monopod/ Selfie Sticks/ any Sharp Objects or Dangerous Objects defined by the promoter.


  1. 3. 場館內請勿飲食,飲用水除外。No Food or Beverage is allowed in the venue except for drinking water.


  1. 4. 禁止攜帶打火機、香菸、蠟燭、煙火或任何易燃物品。No Lighters/ Cigarette/ Candles/ Fireworks and any other type of Pyrotechnics.


  1. 5. 禁止攜帶板凳、折疊椅等任何形式墊高的物品。No Chairs of any kind.


  1. 6. 禁止攜帶大型應援物如海報與標語、LED燈牌類、氣球及含有政治性標語的旗幟、橫幅、哨子等任何應援製作物。No Big Posters/ Banners/ LED Banners/ Placards/ Balloons/ Signage/ Political Banners/ Whistle or any Cheer Supplies.


  1. 7. 禁止使用閃光燈。No Flash Photography/ Videography.


  1. 8. 禁止攜帶錄影、錄音機、相機及鏡頭、無人空拍機、平板及Go Pro相機。No Professional Video and Audio Recording Equipment/ Professional Photo Cameras/ Telephoto Lenses/ Drones/ Tablets/ Go Pro Cameras.                                                                      
  2. 9. 禁止攜帶酒精、加壓型噴霧、香水、防狼噴霧劑、瓦斯罐、煤油等易燃物品。No Flammable Materials such as Alcohol/ Pressurized Cologne and perfume/ Pepper Spray/ Kerosene/ Gasoline etc.


  1. 10.寶特瓶及各類硬塑膠容器(包含隨行杯)需將 瓶蓋(含杯蓋)丟棄後才可入場。(因演出發生過觀眾將瓶子瓶蓋向舞台投擲之行為而造成演出安全問題,故而密封容器及各類蓋子皆將不得入場。造成您的不便,請見諒。) Caps of PET Bottles/Thermos Bottles/ Hard Plastic should be discarded.

  2. 11. 禁止攜帶任何寵物、植物。No Pets and Plants.


  1. 12. 禁止攜帶任何可投擲、發射或具有噴射功能的物品。No Projectiles/ Missile of any type.



📍 販售地點:官方周邊商品販賣處,請見場區示意圖

Location: Official Merchandise Booth

📍 販售處開放時間: 3:00PM至演出結束後。

Merchandise Booth will open from 3:00 PM until the show ends.

注意 Notice

       1.一切商品資訊以現場為準。Please, see the on-site information for all merchandise details

       2. 現場只收現金。購買物品與找零請現場點清,離開櫃臺後恕無法退換貨。Cash only. Please verify your purchased items and money on site. Refund or exchanging items will not be available once you leave the counter.

       3.周邊售罄時將提前結束營業,敬請把握。Counter might close earlier if all products are sold out

       4.因應相關法規,周邊販售處恕不提供提袋,請自備購物袋。According to relevant laws and regulations, we will not provide bags for sold products.


Live Nation服務台

➡ 地點Location:請見場區示意圖 Show as map

➡ 開放時間 Open Hour:3: 00 PM


現場售票與取票服務 Ticketing & Will Call

開放時間Ticket Booth Open: 3:00PM-7: 00 PM

地點 Location:票務服務處,請見場區示意圖 Ticketing (Shown as the map)


現場取票應備資料 Will Call

1. 訂單編號。 2. 購票會員身份證明文件 (身分證、健保卡、駕照、護照 (擇一)限正本),以供核對取票身份。 為保障購票會員所訂購之票卡()不被冒領,煩請於演出當天現場取票時,務必出示「附照片之證件正本」(身分證、駕照、健保卡或護照,擇一即可)做為領取依據。無法出示以上證件正本者,恕不接受取票,以保權益、避免爭議,謝謝。

Upon picking up your tickets, you will be asked to show the following information for identity verification:

- Order number

- Photo ID (ex: insurance card, passport or other forms of ID)-Please note the name on the ID MUST BE THE SAME as the name registered in your membership.


遺失票券 Lost Tickets

遺失票券者,請盡早進線+886 (02) 8772-9835或EMAIL: tixcraft@tixcraft.com至拓元票務申告,遺失票券者需於演出當日下午五點前,持警局報案單、購票證明與身份證明文件前往場館拓元票務櫃臺簽立切結書,待開演後清查該座位無人進場,可讓申報遺失票券的消費者入場觀賞,但倘若持票人出現,應以持票人優先,遺失票券的觀眾需另行購票入場(剩餘票券,依現場實際狀況為準),否則將觸及刑法第339條的詐欺不正取財之公訴罪。若雙方僵持不下,將會請出場外報警處理。

For Lost Seat Tickets: Dial +886 (02) 8772-9835or EMAIL:tixcraft@tixcraft.com at your earliest convenience. Please bring police report, proof of purchase and you photo ID and go to the TIXCRAFT ticket booth before 5:00 PM on show day to sign the certification document. Once show starts and the seat is confirmed as not occupied, you will be able to enter. However, if anyone with the ticket shows up and he/she will be the priority, the audience who lose tickets would be charged for ticket fee. We may report to the police station if there is controversy.


Reissue of tickets is not available, please keep your tickets well.


身障票入場辦法 : 購票規則已經清楚載明需持有身障手冊的本人購票、本人入場,進場時須檢查身障手冊是否為本人(若新版身障手冊有註明陪同者,也請陪同者攜帶身份證件以供查驗),若非本人恕無法入場,且無法退票,場館規定此為社會福利不得加以濫用。陪同者若沒陪同身障朋友也無法單獨入席,此相關規定在購票票格上皆已清楚載明適用辦法,請勿傷害其他身障朋友的權益,謝謝!



  1. 1. 活動現場嚴禁使用相機、攝影機與GOPRO與任何形式的直播;禁止攝錄影、錄音。如經查獲,將由工作人員留置器材保管並刪除拍攝內容,但損壞與遺失概不負責,現場工作人員亦有權將底片與記憶卡加以強制曝光或強制刪除,並保留法律追訴權,謝謝您的合作。No Professional cameras, Audio, and Video recording equipment or radio scanning/jamming equipment. Once any recording actions are taken, we will have to delete the contents in your memory cards. For those who violate the rules, we will ask you to leave the venue and restrict you from entry.


  1. 2. 請注意!觀看演出時,請勿站立於座椅上觀看。若因此導致場館物品損壞,則需請您負起賠償之責任。DO  NOT stand on your chairs during the show. There will be a compensation fee for any damages caused by your inappropriate behaviors.


  1. 3. 若經工作人員發現有違反規定情節重大者,主辦單位保有將之帶離演唱會現場,並限制其再次入場的權利,請確實遵守入場規範 。Please follow the concert regulations, for those who violate the rules, we might restrict you from attending the concert and reserves the right to pursue legal actions.


  1. 4. 活動若因故延期或取消,主辦單位不負交通及住宿費之補償。相關規定以活動官網及現場公告為主,主辦單位保留加場、修改、終止本活動相關演出內容之權力。Show cancels or postpones due to irresistible reasons, the promoter will not be responsible for transportation and accommodation compensation. Please give priority to Regulations Announcement on Live Nation Taiwan website and on-site. Live Nation reserves the rights to any amendments, changes or terminations of this event.


