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HARRY STYLES new date: 23. 2. 2021 PRAHA, O2 ARENA

Written by promotion / July 09, 2020

new date: 23. 2. 2021 PRAHA, O2 ARENA

Due to current situation Harry Style rescheduling his upcoming tour for 2021. New date of the Prague’s show, originally scheduled for May 11th 2020 in O2 arena, is FEBRUARY 23rd. 2021.

Sold tickets remain to be valid for the new date. Tickets for new date are available at Ticketmaster and Ticketportal.

Harry Styles said:
„Anyonewhoknowsme, knowsthatperforming has alwaysbeen my favorite part ofworking in music. However, duringtimeslike these, thesafety and protectionoftouringcrew, fans, and everyoneelsearoundtheworldisanimmediate priority.

 Forobviousreasons, theupcoming tour in the UK and Europewillberescheduled to 2021. Ticketsalreadypurchasedwillbevalidfor these shows. In themeantime, wewillbeclosely monitoring thesituationaroundtheworld and willcontinueupdatingyou in themonths to come.

 Forthesafetyofyourself and others, pleaseself-isolate. We’reall in thistogether.

I can’twait to seeyouout on theroad as soon as it’ssafe to do so. Untilthen, treatpeoplewithkindness.“

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

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